Den 16. november 2013
Opdateret: 17. november 2013

Donald Templer er bl.a. forfatter til bogen "Does Size Matter", hvori han skriver om hvorledes man kan øge penis' størrelse. Endvidere har Don i bogen nogle nyttige tabeller, så mænd i alle aldre kan sammenligne længden og tykkelsen af deres penis med andres.
Donald Templer sender sit svar på Nyborgs rundsendte smædeskrivelse. Han skriver:
»My silence is because I I cannot think of anything to add to what others have said. When we think of academic fraud we think of tampering with or fabrication of data. When I unsuccessfully applied for emeritus status a poorly informed Alliant dean said publishing on racial differences in intelligence is contrary to the APA standards. This dean, however, did not accuse me of fraud. The methodology of the Templer and Arikawa 2006 IQ and skin color article was criticized but the critics did not say we engaged in fraud. What Helmuth wrote was just the opposite of fraud. He spoke the truth.«
Templer skriver: "When we think of academic fraud we think of tampering with or fabrication of data." Ja, nemlig! Han ved tilsyneladende ikke, at det lige præcis er det Vig og Nyborg har gjort. Det bliver bittert for alle Nyborgs venner når de opdager, at han har fyldt dem med løgn.